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SLIM-CASE is our next generation of handheld enclosures

With 18 models in our handheld enclosures range, you’d think we’d covered every base. Almost, but not quite. Something was missing…

Think about the enclosure you hold most every day, the one you’re virtually addicted to: your mobile phone. If you were designing a new phone (or a data transfer device you wanted to look and feel like a mobile), which OKW plastic enclosure would you specify? Our range is huge.

DATEC-POCKET-BOX is the right shape but at 4.72" x 1.81", would it be large enough for hands now accustomed to bigger mobiles? And would its top recess be large enough? DATEC-COMPACT is slightly bigger (5.35" x 2.91") and has a more generous recess. Or there’s SOFT-CASE for wide-format/landscape viewing applications. But you need something different…

So we created our 19th handheld enclosure, SLIM-CASE – a brand new range of sleek, sophisticated and robust housings designed specifically for mobile electronics. Applications include measuring and control, wireless communications, IoT/IIoT, healthcare, laboratories, offices, safety engineering and environmental technology.

SLIM-CASE range (below)