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CONTROL-KNOBS – like TOP KNOBS – are one of OKW’s many iF product design award winners. They are our newest knobs and also among our most advanced, featuring optional 5 V SMD LED illumination. That elegant glow comes via a translucent optic ring on the top. RGB LEDs allow individual illumination and colors – which also extend to the optional pointer on the side wall.

Specify this model as the central element of a menu-driven interface. When you have one click-to-confirm potentiometer at the heart of your technology, the knob controlling it needs to be a cut above the rest. Luckily it is – as the award confirms.

Ergonomic CONTROL-KNOBS are pleasant to operate because the tough polycarbonate inner core is wrapped in a soft-touch TPE outer shell. This outer is grooved to ensure a good grip and anti-slip operation. CONTROL-KNOBS are available in two colors (nero and volcano) and two diameters: ø 36 mm and ø 46 mm.